One of the biggest benefits provided through your membership is our ability to advocate on your behalf. While you’re working on scene, we’re working behind the scenes. The BMHBA consistently watches City and County agendas to ensure your voice is heard and your needs are met. Additionally, the North Dakota Association of Builders keeps tabs on State agendas and the National Association of Builders is busy tracking Federal agendas.
State Advocacy
NDAB-PAC is the North Dakota Association of Builders’ Political Action Committee. It is a non-partisan political action committee which provides support for candidates who are friends of the building industry.
NDAB-PAC recognizes there is strength in numbers. People who show they care and are concerned about the future of the building industry make contributions to NDAB-PAC because they believe that cooperation equals strength.
You alone can’t influence the Legislature or Congress on issues that can devastate your business. NDAB-PAC is your front line of defense. It monitors legislative issues and works to protect and promote the building industry.
NDAB-PAC’s ability to defend and promote your business rests squarely on the financial support it receives from you and other members. The contributions will give NDAB-PAC the needed resources and clout to succeed on issues affecting the building industry.
By pooling contributions from NDAB members, NDAB-PAC is able to help elect legislators who understand and support the issues and concerns of builders and associate members.
Also, a portion of your contribution is passed along to BUILD-PAC, the National Association of Home Builders’ Political Action Committee, one of the most recognized and well-respected PACs in Washington.
National Advocacy
NAHB Consistently Delivers Value for Its Members
NAHB fights for its members on Capitol Hill, in state houses and in the communities where they do business. We work hard to defeat excessive regulations and to protect our members’ bottom lines. Our advocacy efforts include educating policymakers and the Administration, building successful coalitions, and mobilizing NAHB’s grassroots on a range of issues.
NAHB advocates on behalf of its members on a wide range of issues, including the tax code, federal housing programs, regulatory relief, environmental laws, building codes, OSHA, building materials, housing finance and more. A single win in the policy arena can save builders thousands of dollars on every home they build.
In recent years, the association's advocacy efforts and other member benefit offerings have provided members with tremendous value — equal to approximately $6,160 per housing start in 2020.
This significant savings makes membership in NAHB an essential tool for smart home builders and the diverse businesses that support the home building industry.
To learn more about National Advocacy follow this link:
BUILD-PAC, NAHB’s bipartisan political arm, helps elect pro-housing, pro-business candidates to federal office and is critical to NAHB’s success on Capitol Hill.
To learn more about BUILD-PAC follow this link: